Tony Howard - Lead Photographer

As a photography professional…

My interest, as the name Fotistry implies, is in the artistic discovery of freezing and capturing special, interesting, and unique moments.

I lean toward exploring beneath the surface in visualizing, composing, and framing my work.

Since my earliest childhood, I’ve always had a desire and need to communicate through artistic expression.  From water colors to charcoal, or song writing and making music… to photography; art forms, and expression have been a driving force in evolving the directions I’ve taken in life which ultimately led me here.

My artistic passion is in discovering unique and interesting settings, be it urban, landscapes with breathtaking sunsets, or capturing captivating subjects that are caught up in the moments; but like many photographers will attest, in order to help finance my collection of imaging gear, I often take on the more stable business oriented events and design projects.

I’m pleased to be able to share my services, and sincerely hope you enjoy some of the work presented here…

Serving Pasco & Hillsborough Counties
with fine photography services.

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